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Can Tutors Come To Your House?

Hana Kelly

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

In our post Covid-19 world, we are all trying to comprehend how our lives may start to slip back into normality. The government’s announcement that schools will return next month has been met with mixed reactions, and there is perhaps still some confusion as to what would be the safest, most sensible option for students and teachers going forward. The private tutoring industry has seen a boom for online services since the school closures in March, but when will tutors be able to visit their students at their homes?

Some wealthy clients have taken their tutors into lockdown with them, but on the whole, tutors have moved their sessions online[1]. The government announcement that schools will reopen next month has sparked anxiety amongst pupils, parents and tutors alike regarding the possible health implications, but the advice from the health professionals has been to slowly lift our strict lockdown measures in order to allow businesses to reopen and for children to return to their education.

While the anxiety surrounding this is natural and understandable, this return to education is a positive thing, and by staying conscious and sensible, tutors and clients can return to home tutoring in a successful and productive way by following government guidelines. Threshold Education is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of home tuition that takes into consideration the health of both tutors and clients, and will therefore be taking the following measures to ensure home tuition can return along with the reopening of schools:

Continue tutoring online if possible and/or necessary:

We recently published a blog article outlining the successes and downfalls of tutoring online, and we have been pleasantly surprised with the current online tuition our tutors have been providing. The usual high standard of tuition that we provide has been maintained despite the changes. Taking into consideration the success of online tuition, it may be beneficial for some tutorials to remain online for the foreseeable future in certain circumstances. This includes clients who are categorized as vulnerable, or tutors who have to travel particularly far to reach their clients. For the time being, some clients and tutors may feel more comfortable to continue with online tuition, and both parties are encouraged to recognize and respect the wishes of the other during this exceptional time.

If tutoring in person, follow government guidelines and exercise precaution:

The health and safety guidelines that have been outlined by government officials regarding the spread of coronavirus should be followed closely to ensure best practice is followed. It is recommended that tutors and clients maintain a safe distance wherever possible, and direct physical contact should be avoided at all times. Tutors and clients should wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitizer both before and after the sessions, and face-masks should be worn if possible.

As lockdown measures are slowly being eased, it is important to remain alert and responsible. By following best practice guidelines, Threshold tutors and clients can resume in-person tuition wherever possible. This is at the discretion of either parties, and it is important to remain flexible and sensitive to the needs and wishes of both parties during these trying times.

[1] Batty, D. (2020). UK school closures prompt boom in private tuition. Retrieved 26 May 2020, from

1 Comment

Dec 05, 2022

Most of the qualified home tutors for chemistry in Delhi have a Bachelor's degree in chemistry which is supposed to be the minimum required qualification to become a tutor.

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