Demand for online tutoring services grew during the pandemic and has, for many families, become normal. Why has it continued to remain popular, even with restrictions easing? Apart from being an extremely efficient way to learn, it’s also convenient - and, dare we say, fun!
Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using online tutoring services, so you can take the next step with confidence, knowing your children will be in safe hands.
1. Your child can work at their own pace
In a physical classroom environment, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Perhaps your child needs to ask a question but can’t get a word in edgeways. Or maybe they need a bit more time to process some information they’ve been given - but the teacher has already moved on to a different topic.
With online tuition services, these problems aren’t relevant. That’s because your child is no longer trying to make themself heard - or work at a pace that suits the majority. They can ask the same question as often as they want to - until they understand the concept completely and without feeling self-conscious.
2. Interactive tools make online learning fun
Learning only works if students are fully engaged with the topic in question. If the lesson is delivered in anything less than a fun way, your child will become disengaged, withdrawn, and experience little (if any) benefit from their session.
Our online tutoring services are delivered by enthusiastic experts with a burning passion for the subjects they teach. Not only that, they’ll use digital tools throughout - like whiteboards and Google Classroom - to make the process interactive and interesting.
3. No need to wait weeks for feedback
Surely it’s better to praise or critique your child’s work at the moment - rather than discussing it at a parents’ meeting weeks or months later. That way, they can unlearn bad habits faster and - just as importantly - recognise what they’re doing well (so they can do it more often).
Online tutoring platforms in the UK allow feedback to be delivered during and at the end of each session, giving your child the guidance and support needed to nurture their talents and address their weaknesses.
4. Online tutoring services out of hours
Physical classrooms are only available during specific hours of the day and usually from Monday to Friday. This means your child has to go home at the final bell - even if they could do with some extra support to top up their learning.
Every child has a different biological clock when it comes to learning. Some assimilate information better in the morning. Others become more receptive as the day goes on. So why restrict them to a timetable that doesn’t suit their mental proclivities?
Online tutorial sessions can be run outside of standard school areas, so your child can learn when it suits them - and even request additional top-up sessions if they want to focus on a topic they’re finding particularly challenging.
5. No need to interrupt learning if things change
We hope lockdown restrictions will continue to ease. But, should things unexpectedly change, our online tutoring services will remain in place - allowing your child to continue their learning journey without interruption.
And if things continue to improve, we’ll still be here to support them - no matter what the topic, challenge, or hour of the day. Are you ready to discover the many benefits of using our platform? There’s no obligation whatsoever. So get in touch and let’s see where our conversation leads.
Benefits of Online Tutoring Services
Updated: Oct 22, 2021